Thursday, February 22, 2007


I'm so proud of myself for updating this so soon! It's Friday here and horribly hot and humid outside, so I'm sitting on the living room floor wrapped in a wet towel, trying to cool off.

Yesterday I went to my service project for the first time. It's at a place called Newtown Mission, and it's similar to a soup kitchen, but much more Christian. My evening went a little something like this: I arrived at Newtown around 4:30 and went straight to the kitchen. I helped prepare the meal and around 5:30 all the volunteers got together to break into their "teams." Each time has a different job (like serving food, cleaning, prayer, etc). I was in the prayer group. So from 6:00 to 6:30 there was a church service for the people who come to Newtown (for food) and during the service the prayer team sits above the chapel (in a little room) and prays for the whole 30 min. It was a really cool experience. After chapel the prayer team goes and sits with the people who come for the food and just visit with them and connect. I talked to this amazing woman named Jayne, who had a pretty incredible story. After the kitchen closes and everyone has gone, the volunteers get together and pray for the people we talked to and just debrief about the night. I feel so good about this place. I really feel like I'm supposed to be there and God has something to teach me through these people.

After volunteering I went downtown with some of my new friends and we grabbed some food and listened to live music. It was a fantastic night, but I stayed out way too late. This morning I had to catch a 7:00 bus downtown with my roommates to meet up with the ASC kids for a library tour. Woo hoo.

Anyways, tonight I'm going to a Bob Dylan tribute concert. I'll try and take more pictures, I haven't been very good about that.

Also, my Aunt died yesterday, so if you could really just pray for my family, especially my mom, that would mean a lot to me.


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