Sunday, June 03, 2007

How Have I Grown?

As part of our Australian Studies Program, I am required to write an 18-page critical reflection paper on what I've learned since I've been here. The paper is broken down in to two page sections, each in regards to a different unit we studied (ie - foreign policy, government and politics, hospitality, etc.). I've already started thinking about this paper, wondering what it is that I've learned, and I guess I wanted to write my own mini-reflection here to perhaps inspire my paper, as well as give myself the chance to really process how I've changed.

When I came to Australia, I expected to grow a lot closer to God.
I though I would be lonely, depressed to be away from friends and loved ones, and I'd end up spending a lot of time in the word and pursuing my relationship with God on perhaps a deeper level than I had been before this trip. My first couple weeks here, I did. I spent a lot of time reading my bible, in prayer, and just reflecting on my life and relationship with God. Then I made friends, and that faded into the background, perhaps more than it should have.
...Yet, I am leaving this place changed. Perhaps not externally, minus the few extra pounds I've packed on, but internally. The classes I've taken here have taught me more about God than I've learned in a lifetime of church. Perhaps I should have realized this earlier in my life, but the pursuance of knowledge is invaluable. To understand God in a historical, academic context lays the foundation for a stronger relationship with Him. This semester I did not grow close to God in the way I expected, but I learned an incredible amount about Him, knowledge that I will carry with me for a lifetime, and it will help me to understand the God I already love.

Anyway, that's my little blurb for the day.
Only 19 days until I'm home.

I can't believe this is almost over.


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