Thursday, March 29, 2007

Late Night Homework Session

I have a debate due in 5 hours... ah!
Naturally, I've waited until the last second to finish writing/memorizing my parts, and now I'm in a total state of panic. Australia has not been good for my work ethic. Everyone here is so laid back about things, so I always procrastinate until the last possible moment. In this case, I'm staying up all night writing a debate I should have had ready weeks ago.
So what is this debate for? Our class is going to Parliament tomorrow for a tour and we have to speak there! Ah! My topic covers why the United States is responsible for bringing democracy to countries that are currently under dictatorships. Ugh.

Enough school talk, in less than 48 hours I will be boarding a train headed to Brisbane, and I won't be back for 8 days - so next week, don't expect any updates.

In the meantime, know that I am having an amazing time. I am absolutely homesick, but I'm making the best of my time here.


1 comment:

Jon said...

OK, seriously, when was the last time you updated? Hellooo, we are waiting...